Mitsui & Co.

Mitsui & Co.
Quantum Computing

Value Creation
for Quantum Era


AboutMitsui & Co.’s Quantum Innovation

Mitsui & Co. is promoting the application and new business model development with Quantinuum, one of the world largest quantum computing company. We are focusing on varied global industries, including chemistry, energy, healthcare, logistics, cybersecurity.
We are providing the new value to our customers & the new business creation with business partners by future-oriented Quantum Innovation.


SolutionsQuantum Computing by Mitsui
& Co. and Quantinuum

Quantinuum is the world largest hardware-software integrated company and offering the high-quality quantum solutions & services.

Mitsui & Co., helps all the industries to create the new value and to solve the pain points with Quantinuum and its solutions.

Quantum Origin

Quantum OriginCybersecurity

Providing the world’s only quantum-hardened encryption keys to protect data from advanced threats. It supports traditional algorithms, such as RSA and AES, as well as post-quantum cryptography algorithms currently being standardized by the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST).


InQuantoQuantum Chemistry

Offering a state-of-the-art quantum computational chemistry platform represents a critical step toward rapid and cost-effective development of new molecules and materials.

Trapped-ion computing

Trapped-ion computing

The first quantum computer to pass IBM’s Quantum Volume benchmark with a measured Quantum Volume of 32,768, and the only quantum computer that has met or exceeded every benchmark it has set during its entire development process.


TKETQuantum Software

Open-access, architecture-independent quantum software stack and best-in-class development platform for software developers and algorithm designers to seamlessly use multiple platforms.

ApplicationsQuantum computing fields

A wide range of joint research projects with universities, research institutes, and industrial players with Quantinuum’s expertise and solutions.

Joint research can be designed flexibly according to partner’s interests and proficiency in quantum computing.

Quantum Cybersecurity

Quantum Cybersecurity

It is said that quantum computing will decrypt some of cryptographic algorism such as RSA in 2030. Even before 2030, we need to protect the existing important data against “Harvest now, decrypt later” attack decrypting the data after the development of quantum computer.

Use case
  • Quantum cybersecurity for financial services,
    mobilities and database protection
Quantum Chemistry

Quantum Chemistry

The computational time increases exponentially with molecular size when using high-precision quantum chemical calculation methods. Quantum computing has been proven to perform practical and accurate quantum chemical calculations in polynomial time to predict chemical phenomena.

Use case
  • Material design for batteries and catalysts
  • Drug discovery and protein structural analysis


Smart cities, MaaS, etc., which address efficient and convenient urban and transportation services by optimally combining various urban functions and transportation systems, will require astronomical combinations. Quantum computing is an efficient solution for obtaining optimal solutions from such a vast number of combinations.

Use case
  • Automation of urban mobility services
  • Traffic control for urban air mobility
  • Optimization of railroad schedule
Quantum Machine Learning (QML)

Quantum Machine Learning (QML)

Machine learning has its challenges such as modeling complex probability distributions, overtraining, generating data that is difficult to simulate, the cost of inverse matrix computation, and unexplainability. Quantum computing has a great potential to solve these problems.

Use case
  • Financial data sampling for Monte Carlo pricing
  • Accelerated biomarker search
  • Quantum natural language processing (QNLP)

PartnerStrategic partner
Global / Japan (Quantinuum K.K.)

Please feel free to contact us
with any questions or inquiries.

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